Jesmond Public School

Telephone02 4957 2605


The Jesmond Public School uniform shop is run by the P&C.


The wearing of a uniform, including a hat, is compulsory at Jesmond Public School.

Girls Uniform: Girls may wear a tunic or a gold/black polo shirt with a black skort or shorts. Black tracksuit pants and a black jacket/jumper are also acceptable.

Boys Uniform: Boys may wear a gold/black polo shirt with black shorts. Black trcksuit pants and black jacket/jumper are also acceptable.

Both boys and girls wear black socks, black shoes and a black broad brim hat.

All uniform items shown on the attached document are available at the Uniform Shop. Cash only.

Uniform Shop Order Form


Uniform Shop will be now open on Wednesday mornings from 8.30am - 9am (and upon request before school pick up at 3pm).

To arrange request please contact the P&C via their Facebook page through the link below or email

Jesmond Public School P & C


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